Paul England

Paul has worked in the field of leadership and organisational development for over sixteen years, having previously worked in both the private and third sector in a range of management and leadership positions. His passion is to work with organisations to translate leadership skills into operational outcomes.
Leadership Development
Paul’s leadership development work draws together both psychological and academic disciplines by combining his background as a qualified counsellor and NLP master practitioner with his MA in Change Management. The work Paul currently undertakes includes:
- designing and delivering leadership development programmes
- working with managers and leaders at both an operational and strategic level
This work has included:
- designing and delivering a first line managers programme for Chichester District Council that has been commissioned over a ten year period
- designing and delivering a range of leadership programmes for Bath and North East Somerset Council including Moving Into Management, Effective Supervision and Leading with Emotional Intelligence
- lead consultant for a system wide clinical leadership programmes that worked with staff from across Local Authorities, Health and the Third Sector. This programme was delivered through The King’s Fund and focused on developing leadership competencies that promoted cross organisational systems working
- Delivering change management programmes
- Running action learning sets
- Coaching senior leaders
Organisational Development
The leadership programmes Paul has directed has additionally involved a range of organisational development. This has included:
- programme director for the Board Development of newly formed CCG’s in London
- the development and delivery of a staff engagement tool for South and West Commissioning Support Unit. This development tool was used to beginning re-engaging staff during the recent easing of the coronavirus lockdown
Paul has undertaken an MA in Change Management. He has a special interest in understanding the impact of culture on organisations when going through change. This work combines a theoretic understanding of change alongside a pragmatic approach to interventions that address organisational needs.