Culture Change In A Dynamic Organisational Paradigm
Helping Leaders Create and Develop Cultures That Deliver Effective Outcomes
Cultures change when people get up in the morning and decide to behave differently
(Paul England 2022)
To make a difference we need to be conscious of how we turn up in our workplaces
Culture doesn’t change overnight, but it begins with a simple, profound decision: to behave differently. Each morning offers an opportunity to make that choice, to consciously align our actions with the values we support. It’s not just about showing up differently; it’s about showing up intentionally, with the clear aim of reflecting the values we want others to see in us.
All behaviour is aligned to personal values. Our behaviour provides a window for others into what those values really are, and therefore those values characterise the way we respond to friends, and those we may find it harder to relate to.

At the core of any culture lies a set of shared values, which manifest themselves through patterns of behaviour. These values set the standard by which we judge ourselves and, ideally, our organisations. However, embodying the values we aspire to fully isn’t always easy. We may strive to be caring, compassionate, generous, kind, humble, and to act with integrity, but often, we fall short.
It’s relatively easy to align our behaviour with our values when two conditions are met:
- We have the energy and motivation to act in accordance with our values, even when it’s challenging.
- We are surrounded by people who share those same values.
The difficulty arises when we encounter individuals with whom we clash or who hold different values. This can lead to feelings of hypocrisy when we fail to live up to our own standards.
At the heart of our work is helping organisations build cultures that not only deliver effective outcomes but also resonate with their core values. However, no matter how much effort we put into crafting mission statements or designing posters for the office walls, real cultural change only happens when each of us decides to live and work by our values every day. It’s about consciously choosing to behave in ways that reflect our values, no matter where we are or who we interact with. Structural systems tells us this happens from the top, dynamic systems tell us in happens from anywhere in the system.
Here are a few thoughts to begin this journey:
- Clarify Your Values: Take time to articulate what your values are.
- Align Your Behaviours: Reflect on the behaviours you want others to see that demonstrate these values.
- Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself when you fall short. We are all a work in progress.
- Aim High: If your aspirations feel too easy, it may be time to raise the bar.
Ultimately, the journey towards a values-driven culture begins with each of us, every single day. Let’s not wait for others to take the lead.